Commercial Cleaning pricing information for any educational institution from daycares through to post-secondary as well as adult learning centres.
At ServiceMaster, we believe clean isn't just about what you can see. It's about providing a safe, sanitary environment for you, your staff and your guests. We also understand that you likely have a budget. We do too! So, our customized plans also take that into consideration to deliver to you the best value we can while keeping you fiscally responsible.
For those reasons, our pricing typically begins at $120
Canadian schools are under tight budgetary pressure. Many are also facing requirements that learning environments be greener, cleaner and healthier.
Our patented efficient cleaning process produces a cleaner indoor environment. It also reduces cleaning time, ultimately saving you money. Plus, our environmentally friendly cleaning products can help make your school a healthier place, helping to improve student and staff performance.
Our highly trained cleaning professionals offer dedicated service to school administrators that go above and beyond the standard of care you expect. With constant accessibility and clear communication, we do the job right the first time, every time.
- Polir les planchers
- Soin des planchers à surface dure
- Assainir les zones touchées fréquemment
- Vider les poubelles
- Essuyer et assainir les surfaces
- Épousseter
- Entretien des toilettes
- Passer l’aspirateur
- Élimination des salissures et des taches
- Encapsulation de la faible teneur en humidité
- Extraction
- Fenêtres
- Nettoyage de l’ameublement
Canadian Customers We Serve
- Scotia Learning Centres
- Saint Mary's University
- Athabasaca University
- Dalhousie University